Amidst the chaos it’s nice to get a moment to look after yourself.

At Align we find that the best health advice is one that involves simple changes that you can easily fit into your routine. Like you, we want to get the biggest impact with the smallest investment.

Watch this video as Martin outlines a small but powerful change we are making in the practice to help you get through this challenging period.

As always, the video is transcribed below.

Hi, Martin from Align chiropractic here. This is just a quick update to let everybody know what the situation is with our practice and the current coronavirus crisis so you would have received other emails from us outlining our upgrade in disinfecting the tables in between every person and the protocols that we've got in place to ensure that there aren't people who are at high risk of having the infection coming into the practice. 

We've also set it up so that there's the ability to distance everybody from each other within the practice and we’re maintaining their social distance. 

It’s also really important that we remember that there's another side to the equation, that yes we need to do everything we can to reduce the chance of being exposed to the virus, yet it's also critically important, particularly in these sort of stressful times that we recognise that our host resistance, this is, how healthy and well our body is, is one of the most critical factors that is more in our control than whether we interact with people in the environment. 

So its super critical that you do that and there's a lot of dimensions there in terms of making sure that you're getting adequate sleep, making sure that you're actively doing things to reduce the amount of stress you’re under, whether that’s meditation, mindfulness and a range of other practices, as well as also making sure that your nutrition is really dialed in and you're eating well, drinking lots of water and all the other healthy things that we know we need to do. 

There is some really interesting research that shows that vitamin D, particularly for people who may be low in vitamin D, and that's a lot of us now with our slip slop slap sort of approach that raising up your vitamin D levels can be really helpful in reducing the chance of you getting an upper respiratory tract infection. 

So we managed to get our hands, despite the panic buying around us, on some vitamin D. 

When you come in, we've got our one use of disinfected spoons and we've got some vitamin D capsules and we'd love for you to take one or we'll give you one, just to remind you that it's really important that you look after yourself because that's going to be the way that we all get through this. 

Thank you.